Pure CBD Oil
Many people are confused about what Pure CBD Oil really is. In reality, there is very little that distinguishes one CBD product from another. In fact, as long as the producer claims various qualities such as high-grade CO2 extraction, certified lab-testing, natural raw material sourcing, and so on, it seems fairly obvious from the outside only that the quality of the final product largely depends on price. But this is not the case at all – there are actually three types of CBD products available. Check out – purecbdselection.com
The first category is known as the “pure CBD oil” products. These products contain very little of any other kind of CBD. This type of product is usually sold under the term “bulk CBD.” These pure CBD products do not contain other kinds of CBD like CBG or CBN. The CBD present in these products is extracted from an industrial source using a very low-yield process. The end result is pure CBD oil, but this type of product has minimal therapeutic benefits for certain illnesses. Some of these pure CBD products are sold as an individual product, but the most popular form is to be found under the name of a company.
The second type of pure CBD is known as “LPF” (or” “) products. This type is commonly sold under the brand name of a company, such as “{T pure CBD oil.” The CBD is extracted from either a lab-cultivated or “industrial grade” source. Lab-cultured CBD products have been found to have as much as 50% more CBD than the “pure CBD oil” products. These products, while containing more CBD, generally lack the beneficial effects associated with pure CBD oil, which is mainly due to the fact that they are not lab-cultured to the same high standards as pure CBD. In fact, lab-cultured CBD products have not been subjected to the same level of quality control as pure CBD oil. This means that even if the pure CBD product contains higher CBD concentration than the lab-cultured CBD product, the quality of the finished product may be compromised.